Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Source Images

Project Write-up

Martel White
ARTC 400
Advanced 3D Modeling
Hephaestus Model

For my modeling project, I intend to base my model off of the myths surrounding the Greek god Hephaestus. Hephaestus was the god of fire and the blacksmith for the gods of Olympus, creating everything from Zeus’ lightning bolts to a throne for Hera. His power over fire fueled the hot furnaces of his workshops where Hephaestus was assisted by a team of Cyclops. Despite his enormous talent, his parents, Zeus and Hera, and the rest of the gods looked down upon Hephaestus because of his physical deformities. Hephaestus was born lame in one of his legs and is described as being physically ugly. It’s said that Hephaestus was thrown out of Mount Olympus twice by his parents, once when he was born because of his physical handicap and another time when he defended Hera during a dispute with Zeus. Though Hephaestus’ life was fraught with scandal and betrayal, his experiences weren’t much different than those of the other gods; the only difference was Hephaestus’ deformity. The ancient Greeks prided beauty, and it’s surprising that one of their gods would be ugly and deformed.
I plan to take this incongruity and emphasize Hephaestus’ deformity in my model. I will exaggerate the body to take on a more hunchback, ogre shape; and disfigure the face to make it more disturbing. To make the figure’s pose more dynamic and representative of the Baroque style, I plan to present the figure in his wind-up holding the blacksmith’s hammer above his head, ready to strike at the work on his anvil. I hope to show the muscle tension in the figure, holding the hammer high above him, ready to slam it down onto his anvil. The figure will support his weight and the hammer with one leg on the ground and his other, the lame, twisted leg, resting bent on another surface.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Internet Links

Here are a few links that I've used as reference





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Hephaestus Project ARTC 400

My project will be based of the Greek god Hephaestus, the god of fire and chief workman of the gods.